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Release 8F Cumulative Fixes Last updated: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2019 10:55:11 EDT IOF 8F fixes can be downloaded as a composite cumulative fix file in terse format. All IOF/TSO and IOF/CICS fixes are packaged together in a single file. The IOF maintenance dialog will "receive" and "apply" fixes from the cumulative fix file. The current IOF spin level is 2017132. The latest CUMFIX file contains additional maintenance that has not been applied to the current spin level.
8F Cumulative Fix File Contents
Product | Fix Id | Problem Description | Fixed in Spin Level |
T8F2731 |
A non-archive data set can appear in the list of archived jobs. Prevent the deletion of such a data set from the list of jobs. | None |
U8F2730 |
The FUNCTION attribute is not correct when validating a user's attempt to use the AT command. | None |
U8F2729 |
Trying to use snap under a browse session started by the BR command under HELP causes an 0C4 abend. | None |
T8F2728 |
Trying to email an HFS file whose name contains blank characters will fail. | None |
U8F2727 |
A loop can occur in the ZF command under certain situations if you specify a find string like this: ZF .xxx | None |
T8F2726 |
data set. | None |
T8F2724 |
Emailing HFS files in binary format causes new line characters to be removed. | None |
T8F2723 |
Increase the SLAMOPER index space allocation. Change SLAMPROC to check the SAVEINDX return code. | None |
T8F2721 |
JARDEL will fail if the LISTDSI command has RC 4. RC 4 should be just a warning return code. | None |
U8F2719 |
Correction to fix 2714 | None |
T8F2716 |
Archiving and reviewing archived jobs with a large number of sysout data sets can fail. Reviewing tersed archived jobs with a large number of sysouts can fail. | None |
U8F2714 |
Setting a local, profile, or temporary variable to a value that contains a string like 'aaa .bbb' can cause the 'bbb' to be considered as an IOF command. | None |
U8F2711 |
In some cases trailing blanks will not be trimmed from the end of RECFM=V/VB/VBA/VBM target SNAP disk data set records. | None |
U8F2710 |
In some cases the ZF interface panel is not displaying the latest libraries that were previously scanned. | None |
T8F2709 |
SLAMARCH will not delete old log archive data sets when running with z/OS 2.1 or later. | None |
T8F2708 |
Attemps to archive a job with a sysout data set which has an LRECL > 27998 will fail. | None |
T8F2707 |
The ZF VIEW line command will not position to the selected line when the selected string is in column 1 of the record. | None |
T8F2706 |
IOF SEND will fail if the user specifies YES for the PACK option in the profile panel for the SD command. | None |
T8F2705 |
Emailing a native HFS file can result in an error message that there is an email record longer than 998 characters. | None |
T8F2704 |
The SND command under ZDS for an HFS file fails with an "Exec Parm" error (IOFMAIL2 201). | None |
T8F2703 |
The DF command gets error on line 82, Incorrect call to function when processing a very large number (over 100k) number of groups. | 2017132 |
U8F2702 |
The SETHS z/OS command is not recognized when entered on the IOF console panel. | 2017132 |
T8F2701 |
Help panel VIOFMP23 cannot be displayed on a 24 row display. | 2017132 |
T8F2700 |
The Job Summary ARCHIVE primary command HELP panel is missing | 2017132 |
T8F2699 |
Allow a 9 digit record number in log displays. | 2017132 |
U8F2698 |
An 0C1 abend can occur in STEPSMBS at offset 0618 if a job with spun messages data sets has "middle" segments deleted before the later segmants. | 2017132 |
U8F2697 |
If a user sets the CONDENSE or COMPRESS option on the "p.1" profile panel under 8E, it may not be honored in 8F because 8F requires "YES". | 2017132 |
U8F2696 |
Reviewing a job that has a cataloged procedure with an imbedded SYSIN data set can cause an 0C1 in IOF. | 2017132 |
U8F2695 |
Allow 9 digit record number in OLOG and OPERLOG command displays. | 2017132 |
T8F2693 |
Entering a DAYS filter value greater than 12 on the "archived Jobs" panel causes error 'Invalid day specified in "day" filter' error. | 2017132 |
T8F2692 |
IRX0041I Error running IOFSDPMT, line 311: Bad arithmetic conversion attempting to COPY a PDSE that is allocated by blocks. | 2017132 |
U8F2691 |
Overtyping the Input CLASS Field with a multi-character class on on z/OS V2.1 or z/OS V2.2 gets error 1416, "Invalid Class" / "Invalid class specified". | 2017132 |
U8F2689 |
Incorrect positioning occurs when trying to use the LOCATE cmd to position to a record whose record number is greather than or equal to 10 Million in "LOG Operlog" or "LOG Syslog". | 2017132 |
T8F2688 |
Dataset is truncated with no error message if a sysout dataset being sent through IOF Mail has a line that exceeds 994 characters in length. | 2017132 |
T8F2687 |
"Clist error code 912" error issuing the "LOG ARCH" command when there are more than approximately 1400-1500 archive datasets to be displayed. | 2017132 |
U8F2686 |
ABEND S002-18 trying SNAP RECFM=VA data to a target defined with the SD command and the CC parameter where an input record has only a single carriage control byte with no other data. NOTE: This abend will manifest itself using the SEND command. | 2017132 |
T8F2685 |
"** IOFSEND 122 ** Sysout REALLOC failed - Sysout d .. not found" can occur on some systems. | 2017132 |
T8F2684 |
"** IOFARCH 105 ** Invalid parm to exec: xxxxCLAS____)" will occur when a STORCLAS, MGMTCLAS, or DATACLAS is specifie for ARCHIVE. Where the "xxxx" is either STOR, MGMG, or DATA, and the "____" is the value entered into the specified field. | 2017132 |
T8F2683 |
"** IOFSNPDS 106 ** Unable to locate sysout con .. flattened PDS" can occur in some situations trying to SND a member of a PDS from the ZDS function. | 2017132 |
T8F2682 |
Various ISPP100 "Panel not found" errors can occur when trying to invoke SND, CPY or PRT functions from an Archived JOB summary and IOF was started using IOFrr or IOFSTART execs. | 2017132 |
T8F2681 |
A SYSOUT dataset is not cancelled when using ZDS to send a PDS through e-Mail when Cancel Confirmation is active. | 2017132 |
T8F2680 |
Update IOFCONSL to support a DDNAME parm and correct several minor problems also. | 2017132 |
U8F2679 |
SNAP sometimes fails to translate the data characters <>&'" into the proper HTML escape sequences. | 2017132 |
T8F2678 |
UP and DOWN do not work in the "SR" function. | 2017132 |
T8F2677 |
"Clist error code 820" error issuing the "LOG O OLD" or "LOG OLD" when LOGTYPE defaults to OPERLOG. | 2017132 |
T8F2676 |
Error Code 4022 from SLAMMEMO, leaves MEMOFILE dataset in HELD state. This fix will reduce probablity of this occurring. | 2017132 |
T8F2675 |
"22 +++ exbase = date('B',exdate,'U')" error, after application of fix 2668, when Expiration date is in months Jan through Sep. There is no error when Expiration date is between Oct and Dec. | 2017132 |
U8F2674 |
Setting OPER into an AUTHADD or AUTHREM parameter on the GROUP macro in B23ALLOW has no effect. Also separates the menu display of the OPER command from the LOG command. | 2017132 |
U8F2673 |
Provide support for up to 1,000,000 JOBs on "IOF Job List Menu". | 2017132 |
T8F2672 |
"Server" / "Long command assist will not run on an IOF Server" is received when the "MVS and JES2 Commands" panel is requested in order to issue long MVS/JES2 commands fron an APPC session. | 2017132 |
T8F2671 |
SLAMDLTO does not find any OPERLOG Index datasets even though they are present if the PREFIX value in B32INDEX Option member has multiple levels, such as "PREFIX=SYS4.IOF". | 2017132 |
U8F2670 |
SIZE parameter on "IOF All Job Selection Menu" does not work correctly when the Track Group Count is 32767. Jobs are missed. | 2017132 |
T8F2669 |
"** IOFARCH 104 ** Terse process field with return code: 8" or "Problem with archive data set: --archive dsname--" using the ARCHIVE function to either archive a JES2 information or to view previously archived JES2 information when a permanent dataset is allocated to DDName of SYSUT3. | 2017132 |
T8F2668 |
Add a WARNDAYS parameter to the SLAMRUN and SLAMOPER clists. At midnight, check to determine if the current date is within WARNDAYS of IOF expiration, and send warning messages to the LOG and to the SLAM notification USERID. | 2017132 |
T8F2667 |
** IOFMAIL2 253 ** SS alloc ... target data set failed, RC = 307 when B95MAIL specifies an SMTP server name which is defined with a JES2 DESTID routing to a different node. | 2017132 |
U8F2666 |
S0C1-01 abend using SS (Snap to Sysout) command with the CONVERT(HTML) parameter. | 2017132 |
T8F2665 |
Allow editing on an IOF server. Remove checks that prevent an edit session on an IOF server, but add warning information message to the top of the edit session to say that the edit session is actually being done on the client system. | 2017132 |
U8F2664 |
S0C1-01 abend using SC (Snap to Client) command from an APPC server session. NOTE: This abend occurs in the TSO address space and not in APPC address space. This could occur when 2665 is applied to the SERVER IOF but not to the CLIENT IOF. | 2017132 |
T8F2663 |
Datasets are reported to have been sucessfully deleted by the PURGE function in IOFBLKAR, even though the delete fails for any reason such as a security violation. | 2017132 |
T8F2662 |
VIOFSC7C "Panel not found" error if ZF/ZDS commands invoked when the IOF libraries are allocated using IOFrr or IOFSTART execs. This fix provides a method of dynamically allocating the IOF libraries when ZF/ZDS is invoked. | 2017132 |
T8F2661 |
** IOFBLKAR 123 ** Invalid SELECT name for sysout: CURRENT, RC=123 is received in IOFBLKAR when the "SELECT CURRENT" statement is issued after a "SYSOUTS" statement. | 2017132 |
T8F2658 |
If the character "x" appears in any portion of an e-Mail address it will be changed to the character "t". This includes the TO, CC, BCC, FROM and REPLYTO. | 2017132 |
U8F2657 |
"IRX0026I Error running ZDS, line 37: Invalid whole number" message when ZDS used as an action command for a dataset on ISPF 3.4, specifies a member name using format "/(member)" and a command of "SND" is used to send e-Mail. | 2017132 |
T8F2656 |
"IRX0026I Error running ZDS, line 37: Invalid whole number" message when ZDS used as an action command for a dataset on ISPF 3.4, specifies a member name using format "/(member)" and a command of "SND" is used to send e-Mail. | 2017132 |
U8F2655 |
The Title line for the NEW panel incorrectly identifies what's new for R8E instead of what's new for R8F. | 2017132 |
T8F2654 |
"Invalid data set name" message when ZDS is used from TSO READY and specifies a DSName with quotes as in "zds 'SYS1.MACLIB'". | 2017132 |
U8F2653 |
Setting ARC, ZDS, or ZF into an AUTHADD or AUTHREM parameter on the GROUP macro in B23ALLOW has no effect. | 2017132 |
U8F2652 |
Abend S0C4-11 issuing a "FIND BR14" command from the ZF panel. | 2017132 |
U8F2651 |
Incorrect Job Class Selection when SELECT clause of JES is used on the "IOF * TYPE(JOBCLASS) SELECT(JES)" command. | 2017132 |
Optional Fixes
Note that many optional fixes from previous releases have been replaced by parameters in the new B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. Click here for information of how to apply optional fixes |
Product |
FixNum Date | Option Description | Not applied to spin. |
U8F9001 |
The Kanji and Yiddish character sets define lower
case characters to be unique characters. This fix modifies IOF to display
all panel headers and HELP in upper case only. Browse data is not
translated.This fix has been replaced by the SETTRAN parameter in the B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. |
Optional |
U8F9004 |
AUTOCON setting is ON by default. This fix will
set the default value to OFF so that users will not have to issue AUTOCON
OFF. AUTOCON can be enabled by entering "AUTOCON ON".
This fix has been replaced by the SETCzONS parameter in the B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. |
Optional |
U8F9006 |
Force the IOF extended console name to equal the requestor's userid and default the console authority to INFO (unless overridden by security systems rules). This fix has been replaced by the SETCONS parameter in the B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. | Optional |
T8F9007 C8F9007 |
A "Partial" error can occur because the number of items requested is too large to fit into the ECSA memory. This fix can be used to raise this maximum to whatever is deemed acceptable. This fix has been replaced by the SETCSA parm in the B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. | Optional |
U8F9008 |
The ACTION messages appearing at the bottom of the SYSLOG screen can contain messages from all systems of a SYSPLEX. This optional fix will filter messages such that only the messages originating from the current system will be displayed. This fix has been replaced by the SETACTN parameter in the B99MISC member of the IOF OPTIONS library. | Optional |
IOF Spin LevelsThe IOF distribution MPI file is periodically refreshed to a new spin level. A spin level consists of the previous level with additional maintenance applied. A spin level is identified by the julian date on which it was built, so the higher the number the more maintenance that has been applied. IOF fixes that are applied to a spin level are included in the IOF UPDATES data set. They are marked as "applied" by user "IOFSPIN". This allows the IOF maintenance dialog to accurately display the status of all applied maintenance. Use the IOF Maintenance Dialog to display the fix status or your system. To determine your IOF spin level:
Triangle Systems, Inc. PO Box 12752, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709
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