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IOF Server
Many MVS sites utilize multiple machines in the complex to distribute function and workload. The JES2 multiple access spool facility and MVS sysplex function are two examples of software that connect several machines into a common environment. Network Job Entry (NJE) is an example of software that links remote machines in a loosely connected environment. The IOF server can be used in MAS, sysplex and NJE environments to display and control jobs and other JES2 resources on alternate machines.
Many IOF functions can be executed directly from any CPU in a MAS or sysplex without using the IOF server. For example, any job on the JES2 output queue can be selected and reviewed by IOF from any CPU in the JES2 multiple access spool complex. However, some IOF functions must be executed on a specific CPU. The IOF server easily and effectively executes such functions at the appropriate location. Some examples are:
The IOF server's capability to display and control jobs and other
JES2 resources on a remote CPU can eliminate the need to logon to
TSO on the remote system. Not only is this often more efficient,
but is usually more convenient than establishing a separate TSO
When an interactive IOF client session displays a panel that was
built by an IOF server, the left part of the top line of the
display indicates the system name of the server system. The
example panel shown below was produced by an IOF server on system
T91F. Note that CPU and I/O time used is displayed for jobs
running on that CPU.
IOF Client
An IOF client session communicates with an IOF server to perform
IOF functions on a remote CPU. An interactive IOF session
becomes a client when the AT command is entered.
AT starts an IOF server session on another CPU. IOF
client sessions may be supported from OS/2, Windows, UNIX or
other platforms in the future.
-< System T91F >-------------- IOF Job List Menu -------------( 10 )------------ COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> SCREEN ------------------------------- Running Jobs --------------------------------- -------JOBNAME--JOBID--ACT-STA-SYID------CPU-----I/O---STEP-----PROCSTEP-SWP _ 1 MODEL J05551 T91F 12:23 303.17 STEP17 IN _ 2 QAS311 J06060 T91F 53:03 443.02 QAS311 IN _ 3 TSCDRS J06157 T91F 1:02 1.75 TSCDRS RBTR OUT |
Once an IOF server session is initiated, subsequent IOF commands
are processed by the server. IOF displays are returned to the
client session that initiated the server session. To exit from a
server session, enter the END command repeatedly, or enter /X
to jump to the IOF exit command. Exiting from the server session
returns control to the IOF client session at the point where the
remote session was initiated.
AT? can be entered to determine the names and alias names of CPUs
that support the server function. The display includes the
system id (SYSID) of each CPU. Typically, the numbers 1 through
n (where n is the highest system number) are used as aliases for
system names.
Syntax AT cpu-name/alias function cpu-name/alias. The name or alias of the remote server
function. Any IOF command or option that can be
entered on the IOF Primary Option
The AT line command is also supported on the MAS
AT Primary Command
The AT primary command is used to start a server session
on another CPU. AT can be entered on any IOF panel to
initiate a nested IOF session on the other CPU.
AT? Determine remote server names.
AT 2 Go to the IOF Option Menu on remote 2.
AT IPO9 PR IOF printer display on IPO9.
AT 4 M IOF Monitor display on remote 4.
AT 2 %CHKOUT Invoke the %CHKOUT REXX exec on remote 2.
AT Line Command
The AT line command on the IOF Job List Menu is an
easy way to initiate a server session for a running job on the
CPU where the job is running. The current CPU and I/O time for
the running job will be displayed. The job can be selected and
browsed from the server session. Sysout data buffers that have
not been written to spool also can be browsed from the server
ALLOW 0,1,SYSTEMS,*,ID=* | permits all users to issue the AT command for all available systems. |
ALLOW 0,1,SYSTEMS,(Y2K,TSTLPR),GROUP=PGMRS | permits members of the PGMRS group to issue the AT command for systems Y2K and TSTLPR. |
ALLOW 4,4,SYSTEMS,*,UADS=OPERATOR | permits anyone with UADS OPERATOR authority full access to all SYSTEMS functions. |
The ALLOW macro grants access to initiate communications with another system. The server IOF session controls commands and functions permitted on that system.
By default the server session will operate under the same userid and password as the client session. The VTAM APPL statement must specify SECACPT=ALREADYV in order for this to happen.
You can optionally start a server with an alternate userid by entering:
AT LOGONThe logon panel below is displayed.
-------------------- IOF Logon to Server Panel ------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SYSTEM NAME ===> Name of the remote server system USERID ===> Userid on the server PASSWORD ===> Password for the remote logon Enter a userid and password for the remote IOF server. If you clear the userid field, the server logon will use your local userid and password. |
The IOF server session has total control over the functions and
commands that each user is permitted to execute. In sysplex
systems running the same IOF load module with a shared security
system data base, IOF normally runs exactly the same on the
server as it would on the client system.
In the example below, a Job List Menu is being displayed
from the Y2K server. Assume that job GEN (menu number 2)
needs to be printed on the client production system and that
there is no NJE or shared spool connection between these systems.
The SVPRINT command shown on the COMMAND line in red
copies the whole GEN job back to the client system to sysout
class J.
Useful Server Rexx Execs
IOF servers can be invoked and used from Rexx execs (and clists)
to implement functions that would otherwise require multiple
command sequences to be entered. Four useful Rexx execs are
documented below.
SVPRINT, SVSUB and SVGET utilities provide enhanced data movement
between client and server sessions. These utilities are
particularly useful between systems that do not share spool and
do not have an NJE connection. Year 2000 test systems
commonly are not connected to the production system. These three
utilities can provide essential data transfer functions to such
SVPRINT is executed from an IOF server session to print output to
the client session. SVPRINT prints whole jobs, output groups or
sysout data sets depending on where it is invoked.
menu is the menu number of the job, output
group or sysout data set to be printed.
CLASS(A) is the target sysout data set class.
The default is class A.
DEST(LOCAL) is the target sysout data set
destination. The default dest is LOCAL.
FORMS(STD) is target sysout data set forms.
The default forms is STD.
-( Server Y2K )----------------- IOF Job List Menu -----------( 7 )------------ COMMAND ===> 2 %SVPRINT CLASS(J) SCROLL ===> CURSOR --------------------------------- Output Jobs --------------------------------- -------JOBNAME--JOBID--ACT-STAT-OWNER----DEST/DEVICE--------RECS-HELD-DAY--TIME _ 1 M18NEWOP J02700 ISIJFW TRISYS.IOFT7D0 18K 127 16:33 _ 2 GEN J02675 ISIJFW TRIANGLE 42 126 15:10 _ 3 M53ZAP J02393 SEL ISIJFW TRISYS.IOFT7D0 76 119 16:57 _ 4 M86ISFCV J01749 ISIJFW TRISYS.IOFT7D0 10K 096 16:22 _ 5 M21APPC J08120 ISIJFW TRISYS 137 365 15:03 _ 6 M21LIST J08107 ISIJFW TRISYS 69 365 13:12 _ 7 SLAMARCH J06164 ISIJFW TRISYS 262 132 327 22:06 |
Click here to display a down-loadable copy of SVPRINT
SVSUB dsn [SERVER(2)] [USER(userid)] [PW(password)]
dsn is the data set name to be submitted. A PDS member name can be specified.SERVER(2) is the server name where the data set will be submitted. The default server name is 2.USER(userid) is the optional server userid if required.PW(password) is the optional userid password if required.
Click here to display a down-loadable copy of SVSUB.
SVGET dsn [SERVER(2)] [USER(userid)] [PW(password)]
dsn is the data set name to be retrieved from the server.SERVER(2) is the name of the server name from which the data set is to be fetched. The default server name is 2.USER(userid) is the optional server userid if required.PW(password) is the optional userid password if required.
Examples: SVGET 'Y2K.TEST.JOBS' SVGET MYOUT.TEST2(COBOL2) SERVER(LPR2K) SVGET DEMO2000 SERVER(3) USER(SYAJJR) PW(QETUO975)Click here to display a down-loadable copy of SVGET.
To compare IOF and system version information between the current system and a server system, enter from any IOF panel:
where name is the system name or alias to be compared.
IOFSERVR is available in the T7D clist library and does not need to be downloaded.
IOF Server Maintenance
Click on High Priority IOF Fixes
for the latest IOF Server maintenance.
Note: The AT line command may
return with System Name error. IOF Fix T7D1043 will correct this problem.