April 1998

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IOF Diagnostic Tools



IOF has many commands and tools to assist users in diagnosing problems with the product. These tools also facilitate diagnosis by IOF Technical Support. Section 15 of the IOF Installation Guide provides additional detailed information on trouble shooting IOF. Most of the commands and techniques described are available to both IOF/TSO and IOF/CICS for releases 7C and 7D.

Determining the IOF Version

Type VERSION on the COMMAND line of any IOF panel and press ENTER. The version of IOF currently being executed will be displayed in the short message area at the top of the screen.

Then, press PFKey 1 (HELP) to display the long message which includes the date and time the user options module was link-edited. The link-edit time allows you to verify that you are running the correct version of the IOFxxxU user options module.

------------------------------- IOF Option Menu --------------<  VER7D.0    >-
COMMAND ===>                                                                   
Product level: 7D.0  Date: 03/13/98  Time: 12.38                  
Select an option.  To get a detailed option menu, follow the option with "?".   
blank - Your jobs         G   - Output Groups        M    - System Monitor     
  I   - Input jobs        H   - Held Groups          INIT - Initiators         
  R   - Running jobs      L   - System Log           APPC - APPC tasks/output  
  O   - Output jobs       PR  - Printers             MAS  - MAS system display 
  J   - All jobs menu     D   - Device Options       CMDS - Global Commands    
  P   - IOF Profile       NEW - What's New in IOF    QT   - Quick Trainer      
JOBNAMES ===>                                                                  
                          Enter 1 to 8 generic jobnames above                  
SCOPE    ===>             ALL, ME or another user's USERID                     
                          Enter HELP to see all valid SCOPE values             
DEST     ===>                                                                  
                          Enter 1 to 8 destinations above                      
SORT     ===> INVNULL     Enter HELP to see all valid SORT values              

Determining Where IOF Modules Reside

IOF modules can sometimes exist in multiple libraries. This can be confusing when applying maintenance or updating the product. If you are updating one library and running from a different library, your updates will not take effect.

For IOF/TSO, the IOF and IOFSPF load modules can reside in a STEPLIB, LINKLIB, or LPALIB. For IOF/CICS, the IOFCIC module must reside in a CICS load library that is part of the CICS DFHRPL concatenation. All other IOF modules must reside in a LINKLIB or LPALIB.

The IOFWHERE command can be issued from TSO READY or from ISPF Option 6 to list the libraries where all the active IOF load modules reside. From TSO READY or ISPF Option 6 enter:


The IOF load modules you are using reside in the following libraries: 
IOF      in STEPLIB  IOF.IOFT7D0.LOAD                                 
IOFSPF   in STEPLIB  IOF.IOFT7D0.LOAD                                 
Cpu Serial number is: 0001                
Cpu Model  number is: 7490                
MVS Product name:     SP5.3.0             
MVS FMID value:       HBB6601             
IPL Date and Time:    1998.098 - 08:13:08 

IOFWHERE is a CLIST which must reside in a clist library concatenated to SYSPROC. The 7D version of IOFWHERE invokes the release 7D IOF command.

IOF/CICS users must invoke IOF with the FINDMOD parameter to determine where IOF/CICS modules reside. From CICS enter:

IOF /FINDMOD(M) to locate the "main" module.
IOF /FINDMOD(A) to locate the "auxiliary" module.
IOF /FINDMOD(U) to locate the "user options" module.
IOF /FINDMOD(P) to locate the "panel" module.

Tracing IOF Functions

The TRACE command provides an easy way for TSO users to determine why they can or can not execute an IOF function. The TRACE command is not available under CICS, although the primitive TSITRACE command can be used to provide the same function. Both TSITRACE and TRACE are fully documented in the IOF Installation Guide in section 15.

TRACE is a switch. The first time TRACE is entered it allocates a SYSOUT trace data set and enables tracing. The second time TRACE is entered it disables tracing, frees the trace data set and browses the trace data set.

The trace data set is allocated to the users TSO session with DDNAME of $IOFLOG$. Multiple traces can be done on a single session. Each trace will allocate a new $IOFLOG$ data set.

Example 1.

Trace the assignment of a user to an IOF group.
From any IOF/TSO Release 7D panel enter:
The 7D "TRACE START" command nests a new IOF session under the existing IOF session. IOFNEST goes through IOF initialization which is traced by the command sequence above.

From IOF/TSO Release 7C you must explicitly nest the new IOF session. The command sequence below performs the TRACE START function described above.

An example initialization trace is shown below.

**************** User Attributes Used for Group Assignment ****************
Userid................. ISINRM
UADS Attributes........ JCL
Current RACF Group.....
List of RACF Groups.... TRISYS
Logon Procedure........
Terminal Name..........
User ASCB Type......... TSU
User Account Number....
ACF2 UID String........

    **************** User Not Assigned to this Group ****************
    Group....................................... STCGROUP
    Session attribute that excludes this user... ASCBTYPE

    **************** User Not Assigned to this Group ****************
    Group....................................... OPERATOR
    Session attribute that excludes this user... UADS

**************** User Assigned to Group ****************
Group...... ENDUSER

        ****** Start of Eligible ALLOW Macro table *****************************
        Macro.... USRJOBS ALLOW 3,2,JOBS,JOBNAME,/U*
        Macro.... USRGRPS ALLOW 3,2,GROUPS,JOBNAME,/U*
        Macro.... OWNJOBS ALLOW 3,2,JOBS,OWNER,/U
        Macro.... OWNGRPS ALLOW 3,2,GROUPS,OWNER,/U
        Macro.... ALLJOBS ALLOW 1,0,JOBS,JOBNAME,*
        Macro.... ALLGRPS ALLOW 1,0,GROUPS,JOBNAME,*
        Macro.... ALLPRTS ALLOW 1,0,DEVICES,DEVCOMBO,+P+.*
        ****** End  of  Eligible ALLOW Macro table *****************************

The userid, UADS attributes, logon procedure, terminal name and security system information is listed first in the trace data set. The values of attributes that are referenced on IOF GROUP, ALLOW or LIMIT macro are listed.

IOF initialization attempts to place the user in each IOF group. The trace shows the reason the user is not assigned to each group. In the example above, user ISINRM is not assigned to the STCGROUP because of ACBTYPE (this user is not a started task). ISINRM is not assigned to the OPERATOR group because of the UADS attribute.

ISINRM is assigned to the ENDUSER group, so the list of ALLOW and LIMIT macros that apply to the ENDUSER group are listed.

Example 2.

Determine why a user can not cancel a job.
From the Job List Menu enter:
      C       line command for the job 

The trace lists each IOF ALLOW and LIMIT macro that could control access to the job. If any LIMIT macro prevents access, checking terminates and access is denied. Otherwise all ALLOW macros are checked to determine if any grant access. SAF profile and class names are traced for security system calls along with return codes from the security system. A sample trace is shown below.

================ Start Validation for User Function ================
Function..... Cancel a job

        **************** ALLOW Macro Fails to Permit Requested Function ********
        Macro.... USRJOBS ALLOW 3,2,JOBS,JOBNAME,/U*
        Reason... JOBNAME value for selected JOB is CALLRSET

        **************** ALLOW Macro Fails to Permit Requested Function ********
        Macro.... OWNJOBS ALLOW 3,2,JOBS,OWNER,/U
        Reason... OWNER value for selected JOB is ISIJFW

        **************** ALLOW Macro Fails to Permit Requested Function ********
        Reason... CURRENT value for selected JOB is C*

        **************** ALLOW Macro Fails to Permit Requested Function ********
        Macro.... ALLJOBS ALLOW 1,0,JOBS,JOBNAME,*
        Reason... Access level not high enough to permit requested function

        **************** ALLOW Macro Fails to Permit Requested Function ********
        Reason... LOGCMD value for selected JOB is NO

            ++++++++++++++++ ACF Validation Call ++++++++++++++++
            Resource......... TRISYS.ISIJFW.CALLRSET.JOB02026
            Resource Class... JESSPOOL
            Access Level..... Alter
            Return Code......  4

======== Function and/or Operands Not Allowed for This User ========
Function....... Not Authorized
Operands....... None specified

Note that all IOF ALLOW and LIMIT macros are traced. Also note the JESSPOOL ACF validation call that is made. In this case the JESSPOOL class is inactive as shown by the return code 4.

No ALLOW macro permitted user ISINRM sufficient access to job CALLRSET which is owned by user ISIJFW. Therefore, the cancel is REFUSED.

Example 3.

Determine why a user can (or cannot) release a HELD output group.
From the Output Group Display enter:
       R          line command for the group

Displaying IOF Options and Variables

Enter the DVAR command on any IOF panel to display a menu of IOF options, system and session variables.

--------------------- Display of Current Variable Values ---------------------
COMMAND ===> 3                                                                 
         1  SESSION environment attributes                                    
         2  SYSTEM  environment attributes                                    
         3  GROUP attributes defined for your IOF Group                       
         4  Miscellaneous attributes                                          
         5  Job Archival  and  Retrieval Attributes ( JAR )                   
         6  System Log Access Management Attributes ( SLAM )                  
         7  IOF APPC Servers and Alias Names Listing( APPC )                  
         8  Sysids (and alias) with Printers Attached( PRINTERS )             
         9  IOF Logical  Console  Usage  Attributes ( CONSOLE )               
        10  IOF Logical  Console Initial Commands   ( CONSOLE )               
        11  Print all variable values                                         
  ENTER - Scan All Items      n - Select Specific Item      Q - Quit HELP     

Select a menu number from the list of variable types. For example, display GROUP variables by entering 3.

--------------------------- GROUP Variables Display --------------------------
COMMAND ===>                                                                  
   GRPNAME     ENDUSER   SESSION  B23ALLOW IOF Group name                     
   GRPPANEL    OPTOPT    SESSION  B23ALLOW IOF Option Menu name               
   GRPICMD     INITCMD   SESSION  B23ALLOW Initial command                    
   GRPPAUSE    5         SESSION  B23ALLOW Minimum pause                      
   GRPCMD31    NO        SESSION  B23ALLOW Command type 31                    
   GRPCMD32    NO        SESSION  B23ALLOW Command type 32                    
   GRPEXTND    YES       SESSION  B23ALLOW EXTEND option                      
   GRPFINDD    0         SESSION  B23ALLOW Findlim default                    
   GRPFINDM    0         SESSION  B23ALLOW Findlim maximum                    
   GRPLOGTY    SYSLOG    SESSION  B23ALLOW Default log type                   
   GRPSYSID    NONE      SESSION  B23ALLOW Default log system id              
   GRPDSCOP    USER      SESSION  B23ALLOW Default scope                      
   GRPMSCOP    USER      SESSION  B23ALLOW Maximum scope                      
   GRPDRCMD    YES       SESSION  B23ALLOW DR command allowed                 
   GRPINP      YES       SESSION  B23ALLOW GROUP INPCMD parm                  
  DOWN/UP - Scroll Display      ENTER - Next      END - Back to Menu          

DVAR displays several columns of information for each variable:

NAME          The IOF variable name  
VALUE         The current value of the variable
FROM          The pool from which the variable is fetched   
OPTION        The IOF OPTION member in which the variable is set
               (All the GROUP variables shown are defined in the
                B23ALLOW option member)
Description   A description of the variable

Remote Definition Table (RDT) Listing

The LRDT command will display the JES2 Remote Definition Table (RDT). This information may be useful when diagnosing problems concerning route codes. LRDT is available only with the IOF/TSO 7D release.

--------------------- JES2 Remote Descriptor (RDT) Table ----------------------
COMMAND ===>                                                                   
       Address    Destid    Node    Remote   Destid  RDT  Destid               
       RDT Ent     Name       #        #     USERID  FLG   Type  Bits          
    1  04B87EB0   WESTPARK       0    255   U255       28   Un      D          
    2  04B87F32   NAPLES         1     18   R18        C8   Nn.Rnn  D          
    3  04B87F80   RALEIGH        9      0              90   Nn     N           
    4  04B87ECA   TRIANGLE       0    200   U200       28   Un      D          
    5  04B87FCE   TRITEST        1      0              90   Nn     N           
    6  04B87FB4   TRITEST2       2      0              90   Nn     N           
    7  04B87F9A   TRITEST3       8      0              90   Nn     N           
    8  04B87F18   TRIEEW         1      1   R1         C8   Nn.Rnn  D          
    9  04B87EFE   TRIFVS         1      2   R2         C8   Nn.Rnn  D          
   10  04B87F66   TRIJFP         1      3   R3         C8   Nn.Rnn  D          
   11  04B87EE4   TRIJFW         1      4   R4         C8   Nn.Rnn  D          
   12  04B87F4C   TRIJWO         1      4   R5         C8   Nn.Rnn  D          

IOF Diagnostic Area

You may have to call IOF technical support if you experience an abend situation. IOF normally produces a seven to twelve line diagnostic area whenever it abends. This diagnostic information displays at the terminal and for 7D is also copied into SYSLOG. The diagnostic information displayed is often all that is required by IOF Technical Support to diagnose a problem. It is always helpful to have the IOF Diagnostic area available when you call.

If you are making modifications to IOF exits or source code, knowledge of the diagnostic area format also will be useful to you.

IOF 7DABEND    DIAGNOSTIC AREA                           97311.1423
1 0000   840C4000  041107E2  0411050C  000CFFFF   *d......S........* <--- abend, coded PSW/R14 2 0010 05985DDC D01407FE 000090EC D00C0700 *.q) :.......:...* <--- PSW addr, 12 PSW bytes 3 0020 071C0000 85985DE2 00020001 00054F00 *....eq)S......|.* <--- PSW, lng, intcode, xadr 4 0030 00000000 05A6FE66 05A6FE28 05A6FE28 *.....w...w...w..* <--- R0 R3 Regs at time 5 0040 00000001 00000000 05A98250 05A982BC *.........zb&.zb.* <--- R4 R7 of abend. 6 0050 0598586C 8598BEFC 8598BDCE 05A6EE80 *.q.%eq..eq...w..* <--- R8 R11 7 0060 0598BD08 05A6F50C 8598C214 05985DE0 *.q...w5.eqB..q):* <--- R12-R15 
Line 1 contains the abend code, the coded PSW and coded R14 at the time of the abend. The PSW and R14 are coded so that they can be used to determine where in IOF, the abend occurred without the need of a link edit map. In the first example above, line 1 col 1 contains 840C4000 indicating an S0C4 abend occurred. The coded PSW is 041107E2 which indicates that the PSW was in the csect JESCTL at displacement 7E2 at the time of the abend. The coded R14 is 0411050C which indicates that the contents of R14 is an address that points into the csect JESCTL at displacement 50C.

Line 2 contains the twelve bytes of data surrounding the PSW. Lines 3 through 7 contain the PSW, instruction length, interrupt code, translation exception address, and the 16 registers in effect at the time of the abend. If the abend occurs inside an SVC, there will be five additional lines containing another set of PSW and registers that looks like lines 3 through 7.

The following list provides some of the more common csect codes for user modifiable code:

       JOBACESS    0704xxxx   
       JESCTL      0411xxxx   
       SELSETUP    0420xxxx
       DSNQUAL     0206xxxx
where xxxx is the displacement inside the csect.

The format of the IOF Diagnostic Area for release 7C is slightly different from the format described above.

Triangle Systems, Inc. PO Box 12752, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709