October 2017

Release 8G

z/OS V2.R3 Support
z/OS V2.R4 Support
z/OS V2R5 Support
Encryption and Compression Support
Support for 8 Character Userids
New Online Quick Reference Guide
Improved Help


IOF Release 8G provides support for z/OS V2R3.  It also adds an online Quick Reference Guide and improved Help.

z/OS Version 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 Support

IOF Release 8G provides support for all releases of z/OS through version 2 release 5.  Release 8G is the only IOF release that runs with z/OS V2R3.

IOF Release 8G provides complete support for 8 byte userids

Encryption and Compression Support

The latest MPI file supports JES2 data set encryption and compression.  Encrypted data sets are properly displayed to authorized users.  Compressed data sets are decompressed and displayed. The new "KL" line command on the IOF Job Summary panel displays data set keylabels.

Online Documentation Improvements

 This release provides significant improvements to the IOF online documentation.

New Online Quick Reference Guide

The new QR command provides access to an online replacement for the old Quick Reference Card.    The QR command can be entered from any IOF panel and dynamically adapts to display only the features that are allowed for each user.

There are concise descriptions at the highest level but you can also nest down to detailed HELP information for any topic.   

New HELP BR Command

Enter the BR command on a HELP menu panel to browse all of the topics under that panel as a single document.  You have all the features of IOF browse, so you can issue FIND commands to locate specific information.

Action Area on HELP Menu Panels

 In addition to menu numbers, there are now action areas beside each selectable menu item on HELP menus.  This allows you to use the “S” line command to nest to lower level HELP panels.

 Simplified HELP Panels

 In addition to the enhancements above, many individual HELP panels have been improved and simplified to make the online HELP easier to use. 


The latest release of IOF is Release 8G. The latest spin level of  IOF Release 8G is 2024324 (November 19, 2024).

  The latest spin level supports z/OS V2R5 and JES2 data set encryption and compression.



Triangle Systems, Inc. PO Box 12752, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Email IOFTech@Triangle-Systems.Com