September 2011

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Support for
z/OS V1R13






With the latest maintenance applied, IOF Release 8D  provides support for z/OS V1R13 and all previous z/OS releases.  This means that you can upgrade your IOF version prior to installing V1R13 and it will still generate correctly for older z/OS releases.   Release 8D is the only version of IOF that supports z/OS releases V1R11, V1R12 and V1R13.

There are two ways to upgrade your IOF to the latest 8D maintenance level.  You can apply all the fixes in the latest cumulative fix file to your current IOF 8D version, or you can re-install IOF using spin level 2011256 or later.

Applying the Cumulative Fix File

You can apply the latest cumulative fix file and IOF will still generate correctly for older versions of z/OS. Follow the directions on the web page below to apply the latest cumulative fix file to your 8D version of IOF:  
Although we highly recommend applying all of the cumulative fixes, only the fixes below are absolutely required for V1R13 support:

U8D2448   U8D2462   U8D2469    U8D2473    U8D2484

Installing IOF Spin Level 2011256

The IOF distribution MPI file is periodically refreshed to a new spin level. A spin level consists of the previous spin level with additional maintenance applied.  Spin level 2011256 has all the cumulative fix maintenance available on September 13, 2011 applied.  This includes the V1R13 maintenance.

The easiest way to install IOF for V1R13 is to download the latest 8D MPI file (spin level 2011256).  Installing this MPI will have all available IOF maintenance pre-applied, including the V1R13 maintenance.   Click here for instructions to download the latest MPI file.

To install the new MPI from an existing 8D IOF or an earlier version of IOF:

                IOF Option Menu
                Option 2  (Install a new version of IOF)
                Specify the MPI DSNAME
                Option 2 (IOF has previously been installed at this site)
                Your current IOF OPTIONS DSNAME will be displayed.  ENTER to select it.
                Select a new IOF level.  The next highest level is displayed by default.
                Confirm the IOF libraries attributes
                Confirm IOF libraries data set names, or enter PROMPT to override
                Wait while IOF libraries are loaded
                Confirm IOF OPTIONS data set copy
                 Browse the install $$TODO list and follow instructions to generate IOF.

You will have to run the M10INIT job in the IOF INSTALL library. M10INIT will generate the other IOF installation jobs.  Run the M13GEN job to generate IOF.  You can then run M32COPY to copy the new load modules to your linklib library without making the new generation the default IOF.  Test the new version by executing the IOF8D exec from the IOF CLIST library.

This spin level of IOF 8D can be generated for, and will run with any version of z/OS through V1R13.

Support for New z/OS Features

IOF 8D spin level 2011256 supports several new z/OS features when running under z/OS V1R13 or when browsing a job that was run under z/OS V1R13.  These features include:

     *  Imbedding in-stream input datasets in a JES2 procedure

     *  New subparameters on the DD statement SPIN parameter



Triangle Systems, Inc. PO Box 12752, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Email IOFTech@Triangle-Systems.Com

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