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IOF Problem Resolution
Problem C03
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Description The "LOG" command (abbreviated "L") gets "Wrong job" error. The long error message is "Index data set found is not for this job".
Background The "L" command browses the system log (SYSLOG or OPERLOG). At most sites, an index data set is used to speed access to the log and to index important events in the log. The index data set for SYSLOG is built by the SLAMRUN job. The index data set for OPERLOG is built by the SLAMOPER job.

The SLAMRUN or SLAMOPER job is not running. The index data set found is for an old SYSLOG or OPERLOG.


Solution Start the SLAMRUN or SLAMOPER task.

See Section 8 of the IOF/TSO Installation Guide for detailed information about running the SLAMRUN or SLAMOPER clists as a batch job or started task.

After the new task is started, check insure that it is running and indexing the active SYSLOG or OPERLOG. The SYSTSPRT sysout data set has messages that show the progress of the indexing task.

Review the following sysout data sets from the job or task:

  • SYSTSPRT. Check for IOF error messages.
  • LOG (Job Console Log) Check for MVS or security system errors.
  • MESSAGES (System Messages) Check for MVS allocation or other errors.

More Help Click here to EMAIL a problem report to IOF Technical Support for additional assistance.


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Triangle Systems, Inc. PO Box 12752, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 544-0090

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Thursday, 22-Jul-2021 11:38:12 EDT

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